Why 96km?
The Kokoda Track marks the course of one of the most important battles for Australians in the Second World War. The men who defended this rugged 96km track were the only line of defence protecting Australia from imminent invasion.
Now you can take your own virtual 96km challenge this March to help our brave veterans. Join us as we March On to support and raise funds for Soldier On's life changing mental health services and programs so that our returned ADF members and their families can march on.

How it Works
Step 1:
Enlist yourself (for free) to conquer 96km throughout March.
Step 2:
Share your challenge and raise funds to support Soldier On's life changing mental health programs.
Step 3:
Lace up and march on to honour our heroes and save lives.
You can walk or run
anywhere and any time...
You can do it solo, with family, friends or even colleagues!
Just be sure to complete 96kms between March 1 and March 31.
Every dollar that you raise as you March On will go towards supporting lifesaving mental health services so that our returned ADF members and their families can march on and thrive in our communities.
So... Lace up your boots, sign up and March On with Soldier On.