The Big Paddle

By The Big Paddle

My Activity Tracking


My target 1000 kms

I'm challenging myself to help prevent veteran suicide.

So, I'd love if you could make a donation to Soldier On today so our veterans and their families can receive vital support services to enable them to thrive.

Thank you!


Event Information

Wednesday 11th September

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My Updates

The Big Paddle

Tuesday 9th Jul

I felt like going for a quiet paddle but it seems that I might be able to do more than put a few strokes together down the East Coast while on my little adventure. I am by no means a particularly good or talented paddler (Bonnie Handock's records could not be safer) but I do love a good challenge. After a 10 year hiatus, I've been training in Darwin (where I live) playing in the strong tides trying to avoid the local wildlife and have decided to paddle from Brisbane to Sydney in spring. Where I hear the wildlife is a bit friendlier.


As much as I'm looking forward to this physical challenge and have been preparing for the last 12 months, the biggest challenge is no doubt going to be from within. But I do love a good fight and I love seeing people from all walks of life overcoming their own individual adversity, pushing beyond their perceived boundaries or limitations. I find it inspiring, and it energises me seeing people grow in this way.


Similarly, I hope that someone in a tight spot might find inspiration from a dude from Darwin paddling unsupported from Brisbane to Sydney. I hope they find their own Big Paddle / challenge - whether that's achieving a physical goal that seems out of reach; landing the career/job you want when you feel like you're swimming against the current; achieving in academics when you feel like an imposter; improving your physical health; putting yourself in uncomfortable for the good of others or for your future self; looking after those around you when it feels like the world is on your shoulders; or grinding to pay off your parents' home loan - the list is endless.


Alternatively, if you're in a position to do so and feel so inclined, it would be excellent if you could make a donation to Soldier On - an organise whose has mission to enable serving and ex serving veterans and their families to thrive.


Details & how to donate:


Why Soldier On? There are many great organisations that deserve support for the work they do and obviously those in the Services aren't the only ones who go through struggles, but I have chosen to support Solder On, an organisation that supports Veterans and their families. Also an organisation that I wish I had reached out to when I was transitioning from full time service the ADF.


When your world is completely flipped upside down, the "rules of the game" in your new environment completely change, and your once extremely close support network moves on, it can be very isolating. As many Vets can attest too, they too would've seen far too many strong people turn into shells of their former selves as they readjust into the new lives. Soldier On is a support service that aims to bridge that gap and ease the transition to normal life, which for some can somewhere on a scale of seamless to a path of self-destruction.


Give yourself a pat on the back if you've made it this far.

Thanks very much!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Deon Ferreira