Grace's Mongol Derby 2024

By Grace Neuhaus

Ever since I first read about the Mongol derby, I knew it was something I had to do one day. The utter insanity of travelling to the other side of the world, to race wild horses 1000km across the steppes of Mongolia for 10 days straight, appeals to my sense of adventure and echoes the epic journeys of the Light Horseman and adventurers of old.

Next August, I have been selected as one of just a handful of riders from around the world, to represent Australia and battle in the world's longest and toughest horse race.

But there's more to this journey than chasing personal challenges. 

I hope to use this platform to raise awareness for Soldier On. I'm reaching out for your support.

Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant impact on the lives of veterans and their families through Soldier On. I am committed to ensuring that every dollar raised goes directly to Soldier On.

I will be recording my training and competition journey at @grace.around.the.globe on Instagram. I hope you’ll join me on this hare-brained adventure, and together, we can do great things for Veterans and their families.

Please consider joining me on this incredible adventure and supporting this important cause. Together, we can turn dreams into reality and make a positive difference in the lives of those who have, and continue to serve our nation.

Thank you for your support and generosity.
x Grace

Thank you to my Sponsors


Puckapunyal Adult Riding Club And Horse Agistment

Go all the way Grace. We are behind you all the way.


Jason Wilson


Jay Gugala


Ash Barlow




Lukas Throwloft

Just a small horse girl living in a big horse world 🐴


Tex Walker

"I enjoy sauce on my horse"



Go Grace - we will be cheering you on!!


Jim's Mowing

Best of luck on your journey


Kirkley Hill

You go girl. So proud 💗


James Sampson

The strongest steel is forged in a dumpster fire.


Aaron Molinari

Remember… his name is Genghis Khan not Genghis Kan’t…. Go smash it …!


Jenni Sullivan

Good luck!







Very best of luck in very extraordinary race.


Nicholas Pyne

Good luck Grace


Madi Clegg

you’re my idol g


Michael & Janet Kuilboer


Mary & Carl Aiken

Go Grace, have a safe ride, prayers for the journey.


Paul Flynn

Great effort Grace!



OK thats better!


Peter Neuhaus

Proud Dad!


Gillian Neuhaus

Go Grace - love Grandma!


Colby & Gianna

Can’t wait to meet you!


Harry Yous

Go Grace!! Very proud.


Diané Ranck

Such an inspiration. The ride really will be tough- just as our soldiers are. Go Grace


Melinda And Jim Whalley

Go Grace Melinda and Jim


Julie A Cooper

All the very best Grace - a great adventure for a wonderful cause.


Cathy Doyle

Congratulations and thank you for your courage Grace!


Karen Hayes

Congratulations Grace and thank you for supporting this great cause. Wishing you well.


Catherine B

Onwards brave Grace! You’ve got this!


Karina Marcar

All the best, Grace! What a challenge, and what respect for service.


Chris Fillies



Kathryn Presser

Outstanding Grace! Huge effort and such a fantastic cause! Well done! ❤️❤️


Sandie De Wolf

I really admire your courage and determination Grace.



Smash it sister!




Peter Neuhaus







Go get them girl! 🏇🏻