My Updates

Thunderbeards Are Go!
Thursday 8th SepWe've been approved by CO AMTS to grow beards from Tue 18 Oct 22 to Fri 16 Dec 22. This is a rare opportunity to put down the razor for 60 whole days!
There are some ground rules though. Firstly, you still have to abide by Dress Manual requirements and they will be enforced by the XO, especially in the lead up to Remembrance Day. Secondly, no donation = no beard. The going rate is $100 for 30 days, and an extra $50 ($150 all up) for the whole 60 days. Family and friends are welcome to donate too, but you've got to stump up for yourself.
Ultimately, we're not doing this for ourselves, we're doing this to support Soldier On, and the serving and ex-serving members and their families that they support through their HELP program.
Last year we fell just short of our $5,000 target with $4,704 raised. The aim this year is to better last year's total and beat the target number.
The trumour mill tells me that 30SQN and ACMC intend to join our fundraising effort, so keep your eyes peeled for beard-themed and veteran-support events on the run into the end of the year. Share
Thank you to my Sponsors

Air Mission Training School

Cameron Simister

Kat Bye

Andrew Gilbertson

Corey Sawtell

Ellis Williams

Nicholas Harris


Anthony Palmer
2’s in

Tom Peters

Les Hall

Mitchell Krause

Zachary Mcpherson

Ash Bell

Ben Dunleavy

Andrew Parsons

Andrew Tyson

Tom Kitcher

Jono Planner

Stirling Mackay

Michael Zadravec

Anthony Lotfi
Don’t like the beard? Don’t w

Benjamin Skipp

Eric Morant

Bennett Idstein

Michael Hardie

Anis Rachid

Hamish Clarke

Daniel Purvis

Dale Shepherd

Scott Laws

Braydon Kocass

Ash Stebbens
